Thursday, November 9, 2017

DIY Bottle Coloring Ideas

Love drinking old monk. Try this interesting DIY RUM bottle table lamp at home and make your drinking experience even better.

1. An empty Bottle
2.Glass colour water-based
3. String lights

We all love drinking old monk. Ever thought of converting the same into a table accessory.
so, here you go. how you can make a table accessory using a waste empty bottle.

Directions : 
1. Clean the bottle rinse with warm water.
2. Take some hot water in a container. The container should be big enough so that bottle can be kept inside that container.
3. After half an hour take the bottle out from the container and remove the paper. By that time you will be able to remove the paper easily.
4. Now wipe the bottle using a towel/tissue paper.
5. Now hold the bottle in your hand, and start dropping the colour the edge of the bottle. The colour will start dropping down.
6. The colour will it self-create a unique texture. you will mesmerise to see the texture of the bottle.
7. keep the bottle aside for drying.
8. Place the String light inside it and the table lamp is ready to use.

 Please share your reviews in the comment section.

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DIY Bottle Coloring Ideas

Love drinking old monk. Try this interesting DIY RUM bottle table lamp at home and make your drinking experience even better. ...